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By Melody N. Andes
When you’re studying in school, oral presentations are often a part of the learning process. However, most people find it hard to speak in front, especially if you’re asked to present about something. If you’re not ready or if you lack in preparations, the more you’d get anxious while standing in front presenting your topic. In order for you to deliver your presentation successfully, there are things that you should consider prior to the presentation.
Here are some helpful oral presentation tips which you can use for your classroom presentation:
1. Get well acquainted with your topic – Before having an oral presentation, you will most likely be given an assigned topic. During this time, it would be wise to know your topic and get well acquainted with it. The more you know about your topic, the more you become confident in presenting in front of people. Likewise, the less you know, the more anxious you become when you’re asked to come in front to present.
You should do some research about the topic provided for you. You can try searching through books in the library or browsing through the internet for useful information.
2. Be concise, and focus on the main points of your presentation – Having a long presentation can become very boring for your audience. Also, if you cover too many details about your given topic, your audience might miss out the main points of your presentation. Make sure to give an oral presentation that is concise, focusing on the main details of your topic. By doing so, not only will you be reducing the time needed to present the topic, it can also allow your audience to grasp what are the important things that you want to present.
3. Prepare a helpful visual aid – Visual aids, like Power Point presentations, are great tools which are very useful when providing an oral presentation. This can help you stay in topic and at the same time provide a guide for your audience. You can put the key phrases of your topic in the slides, and present the topic from there.
However, when you’re using slides to accompany your oral presentation, you should make sure to use simple language and limit the text on your slides. Too much text will make it hard for the audience to keep up. You should also try to limit the number of slides that you make with your presentation. Having too many slides will make it seem that you are rushing through your presentation, especially if it has a time limit.
4. Practice before presenting – If you’ve already done your research and have prepared the slides that you will use for your presentation, the only thing that you need to worry about is delivery. Before giving your oral presentation, it would be an advantage if you practice first.
Practicing can allow you to create a sequence on how to deliver your presentation. By knowing what to say and how to present your report, you can have smooth flow in your oral presentation.
About the Author: Melody N. Andes enjoys writing for Sensoryedge.com which sells
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as well as a host of additional products.
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