How To Build Retaining Walls

By Adriana Noton

A retaining wall is a structure contracted to create level surfaces and contain soil pressure in slopping ground. Where land is congested, it is imperative to make use of such barriers and reinforcement to maximize space and secure the available usable space in building projects. These set ups play a great role in building and can be used in various building projects to reinforce otherwise unsteady surfaces.

There are different types of retaining walls with the four most popular being sheet piling, gravity walls, cantilevered and anchored walls and can either be above or below the ground. Sheet Piling is one of the types and is used to support soft soil either collapsed from a higher ground, or give backup to a construction surface with squeezed space. Different types of material may be used such as wood planks, steel, vinyl and even plastic.

There are many methods to construct cantilevered walls, the basic element in all being the steel beam that extends within the barrier to meet up with the footer steel. The footer resists sliding pressure so the size and placement of these steel beams is important as they form the core of the entire support, and it is advisable to have it specifically designed.


Gravity barriers are build with a thick base and require quite a lump some of material to build. They however are popular as they are quite versatile and can be used to keep mud, soil or rocks from restricted working areas. Sand or concrete may be used for such barriers.

Anchored barriers are preferred where big loads are expected. Cables and pressurized concrete are injected into the earth to create support. These resist pressure that could cause the barrier to lean.

For those looking for practical support, ground reinforcement not only secures useful surfaces but when done aesthetically, they create a good drainage system, support gardening and provide a beautiful exterior to calm your landscaping concerns. Depending on climatic conditions, finishing such as painting can be done on the walls where by manufacturers instructions must be followed. Whichever type or method used, point to remember is that the footing should be large enough to support any pressure exerted by the load and reinforcements must be in proper place to avoid setbacks.

Whether it is for private homes or public works, material for supporting barrier can either be made at home or bought straight from the store. Depending on the budget too, one can decide to contract an engineer or do the work themselves. This depends on the amount available for this purpose.

Either way, it is important to calculate what is required before starting. Good consideration of the type of wall needed for the particular place will provide good results. It is important to consult with eligible builders suppliers to avoid doing the same job twice incase of less than standard material and methods. The internet provides instructions on how to build retaining wall with tentative cost and a list of material that my come in handy in the construction work.

About the Author: Prior to buying

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