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By William Tale
The issue at hand is dirty filthy eye glasses and the problems one encounters trying to keep them clean. This has been an issue for those of us who have worn glasses since glasses were first worn. The question then becomes to ones self “how to clean glasses”. You could be a mechanic who’s doing an oil change on a car and accidently touches his or hers glasses or an CEO of a fortune 500 company who gets ink on his designer glasses and everything in between. You are going to need to know what cleaning solutions to use and if you should use natural based solutions or more conventional cleaning solutions to clean glasses. When you spray those solutions on those glasses you are going to need to know what clothes you should use to wipe those solutions off. It is also essential to have a good carrying case when we travel or for that matter when we are home to protect our glasses. Let’s not forget those of us, who wear contact lenses, we need to know how to clean those glasses. Maybe just maybe someone will invent a pair of glasses that are scratch and smudge proof; I wouldn’t hold my breath. So until then all that we who wear glasses can do is learn how to clean glasses.When you wear glasses, it’s important to clean them often. Store-bought eyeglass cleaner can be expensive; so many people look into making their own. There are different ways to make homemade eyeglass cleaner for a lot less than what you would pay in a store.An easy way to clean your eyeglasses is to start with a medium-sized bowl of warm water. Add just a couple of drops of any type of liquid dish washing detergent to the bowl. Swirl it gently with a spoon. Then, take your eyeglasses by the arms and stir the lenses carefully and slowly through the water. Washing eyeglasses in warm soapy water works the best to rid the lenses of any small and abrasive items that may be on the lenses. After they have been thoroughly washed, a 100% cotton cloth can then be used to completely dry them. A popular recipe for making homemade eyeglasses cleaner includes a mixture of two common household ingredients. Using a spray bottle of any size, fill the bottle full with rubbing alcohol. Add two small drops of liquid dish soap. Fill the rest of the spray bottle with water. Shake the mixture gently; you do not want to create bubbles. Spray the sides of each of the lenses with the cleaner, and then rub dry with a clean, soft 100% cotton cloth.This homemade eyeglasses cleaner also acts as a steam preventative. Use a bar of Castile soap, one tablespoon of glycerin and a half of a teaspoon of oil of sassafras to make this type of cleansing solution. To make the cleaner, cut the Castile soap into tiny pieces and put it in a small pot; add a small amount of waterenough to cover the soap. Bring to a boil slowly, mixing continuously, until all lumps dissolve. Add the glycerin and the oil of sassafras, stir for a minute, and remove from heat. After allowing the mixture to cool, store it in a small bottle or jar. To use this homemade eyeglass cleaner, apply a small amount with fingertips to both sides of the lenses. Immediately polish with a soft, dry piece of cloth, polishing until the lenses become clear and dry. Repeat with the other lenses.
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