The Dog Days Of Summer

Submitted by: Kevin Schmidt

The Dog Days of Summer.

I have been thinking of the meaning of The Dog Days of Summer and what it is this phrase implies. Here it is, the end of August. The day s are hot with daylight decreasing day by day. I see our dog sleeping more and more as the temperature rises. Not only is she trying to keep cool, she is also getting older, day by day. The meaning that I feel is that she definitely is feeling her last day s of summer. Our pup, as I call her, is pushing 13 years of age. No longer able to move very well, continually stiff and sore in her hind quarters and preferring to sleep her day s away. Never has it been shown to me more clearly as this past month. Our yearly vacation was planned up at Priest Lake in Northern Idaho. I had debated on having Klink, our dog, accompany us on our camping trip as she has done for the past decade. My choices were to have her join my folks at their lake place for a relaxed week long sleepover. She is walked, overly fed, enjoyed and pampered while being a guest in their house. Or, to have her come join my husband and I with our two older sons as we set up camp on the beach and play for the week. Our decision was made that she would join us for the camp out . The first sign of trouble was trying to get her in the boat on rough water and watching her fall off the boat seat in the rough water. Our camp spot was on an island and the only means to get there is by boat. After pulling Klink up onto my lap for stability, we arrived at our site. Gently having one of my sons lift her up to plant her feet on solid ground, she heads out to take note of all the variety of new smells. Day one goes great. She is in the water, taking a swim, laying on the beach, enjoying life. Day two was when the eye opener came as to the meaning of The Dog Days of Summer for me. No longer was my dog able to rise from her laying position. Constant struggle trying to move around. As a pet owner, I saw with my eyes what my heart did not want to admit. My pup was worse off than I had imagined and she no longer was enjoying things that she had in the past. No longer did we play catch, hike around the island, play tag with her. Way to much effort needed to be put forth to enjoy these old rituals. I could see in her eyes the pain that she was going through. A moment of heartbreak came when she was laying beside me on the sand as I read my book. Always my trusted dog beside me. When I reached down to touch her, she let out a cry. Just to touch her hind end brought her pain. Tears running down my face as I knew that this would be her last time joining us on the island. By the end of the week, my husband and I decided that she has had enough. Such a great life she has had. Deeply loved by my family and such a part of us. We returned home knowing that a decision had been made. Here I sit, one week later, watching my pup sleep her days away. September is fast approaching. Both my son s are heading off to college and then it will just be my husband and myself with \\a few cherished days with my pup. Never will I think of these Dog Days of Summer without remembering these day s right now. As summer ends, so does my companionship with my pup. Enjoying every moment I have left with her and so thankful for all that she is.


Kevin Schmidt, owner of which offers pet doors and patio pet doors

About the Author: Kevin Schmidt, current owner of

. Enjoying life with his wife and two sons. Partakes in bash fishing, gardening, camping and spending time at the lake.


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